Trips In
Mission Teaching Trips
Planned Kenya 2023 trip:
September 8 to October 1, 2023
Join us on a mission’s trip to bring REVELATION, LOVE, GRACE, HEALING, and the Gifts of the Spirit to the 300 Foursquare churches in Kenya.
We are not building Churches. We are “Building the Body of Christ in Foursquare Mission Kenya.”
WIn January 2019, we took our first team and, On August 25, our fourth team will goto Kenya through the headship and guidance of Bishop Joseph Michieka, President of Foursquare Mission Kenya. The trip was co-sponsored by King’s Way Foursquare Church Sequim, WA, and New Sound Ministries. We operated as team-teaching seminars, sharing testimonies, ministering healing, and loving on Kenyans.
Bishop Joseph has asked us to have the next team of lay members (teaching healing, grace, forgiveness, and spiritual gifts). Pastors would also be an asset to our team. Many Kenyan pastors have had little formal training. Some found Christ, got a Bible, and started a Bible study that grew into a church. Team members will teach, train, share, pray for the sick, pass on God’s Love and Grace, and plant a new church.
During our October 2020 visit, we planted a new church in Kisumu, the third-largest city in Kenya. We taught a healing seminar for two days, and God moved mightily with many major healings and miracles. Independent pastors from the outlying area attended the workshops. Not only was a new church planted, but 23 of the invited pastors wanted to become affiliated with Foursquare Mission Kenya. So, we planted one and got a 23-church bonus. We will plant a new church in the The Mount Nairobi area on this trip.
You can take an optional 3-day safari or a stopover in Paris, Amsterdam, or London at the end of the tour (not included in the ground package). We typically have a 24-hour stopover on the way to Kenya in Amsterdam (costs $75, including breakfast) to break up the 20-hour flight time. Most teams in Amsterdam take an evening boat trip on the canals. We have 2-days off when we arrived in Nairobi, and most of us took an optional one-day safari on that second day. You will see most of Africa’s significant animals. The next stop is the giraffe center. The tour concludes at an elephant orphanage, where you see the baby elephants up close. The Safari cost is approximately $180 plus lunch.
The accommodation is in quality apartments where each queen room typically has a shower. We are together as a team. We share a living room complete kitchen with a washing machine. Some King upgrades ($25 per day) are available. A local pastor will always be with you on local travel for security.
The cost for 24 days is $3298: double Occupation, plus airfare, an average of $1000. Current airfare is $1100, a single-room supplement is $22 per day, and a two-bedroom bed is $12 per day.
The package includes Nairobi airport arrival transfer, quality rooms and secured apartments, most meals, and local ministry transportation. Food is in the apartment for breakfasts and if you pack a lunch. If Bishop Joseph deems the food safe, we only have lunch or other meals at the churches or Kenyan’s home. If you choose three restaurant meals per week are included and unlimited bottled water is available to take with you. A $1000 deposit assures your spot on the trip and is refundable until you purchase your airline ticket.
Kenya's weather in Fall and Spring is mild, with temperatures between 58 F - 77F and very little rain. If requested, each room will have a pedestal fan for comfort and a mosquito eliminator wall plug.
This trip is co-sponsored by King’s Way Foursquare and New Sound Ministries, whose president, Paul Crawford, will be the team leader under the headship of Bishop Joseph. Paul will coordinate your housing and travel in Kenya. You will purchase airline tickets from Golden Rule Travel. We have arranged for the airline to allow all travelers 3 checked 50 lb. suitcases. One for your personal use plus a roll-on, and the other for Bibles, laptops, projectors, Books of John, and musical instruments we donate to the Kenya ministry.
Not included: Some meals, you should have about $50 per week for personal food choices, Not included are drinks excluding bottled water in the room, Safaris or park fees, and excursions you choose. Passport, Kenya Visa $51 (you can do your Visa online application fee, for $51, or I can do it for $30 plus $51. and shots: yellow fever (not required if over 60) and malaria pills are required. Other shots are optional. Previous team members have not had any adverse reactions. Get advice from your Physician. On the way to Kenya, we typically spend a night in Amsterdam. A one-day stopover is approximately $75 per person DO, including breakfast.
Paul Crawford, the group leader, has led over 535 people on mission trips. Paul and Bishop Joseph, National President of Foursquare Mission Kenya, will make team Kenya assignments.
There are always risks on any foreign trip. You will be traveling with us at your own risk. Local pastors will accompany our team to minimize the risks. Everyone must purchase Foursquare group mission travel insurance costing $32, agree to leadership headship, and hold harmless. I have paid an average of $350 per trip from independent travel insurance companies for the same coverage.
The Holy Spirit, your heart, or compassion may lead you to want to help someone financially. If so, talk to the Bishop first, ensuring your gift will be applied as intended.
We expect over 200 pastors. We need to supply funding for the pastor’s meals ($3 each) to conduct these seminars. For many pastors, this is their only meal that day and the best for weeks—200 X $3 X 4 days = $2400. Many pastors travel for 3-5 hours and sleep on the meeting room floor. Additional mission expenses will be about $4000. Although this is not your responsibility, we believe in making the needs known. We can all agree and pray and ask others to pray for this provision. Bishop Joseph will submit a more detailed budget. Again, these support monies are not your responsibility but for your information.
This trip represents our 125th overseas mission trip. God has moved in a mighty way in Kenya beyond anything we have seen before. We saw the crippled walk, blind eyes open (4 people), an eight-year-old child speak for the first time, deaf ears open, and other miracles and healings. Anticipate God using you in a mighty way. You will never be the same!
Blessings….Paul and Lynn Crawford Phone 360-649-412