Breaking Up With The Enemy
How to Live Your New Life of Peace, Hope, and Joy
All believers in Jesus have a common enemy, Satan, who seeks to fill their lives with chaos, hopelessness and despair. But if Satan was defeated by the death and resurrection of Jesus, then why do we still battle him?
In Breaking Up With The Enemy, developed by Mike Manuel, uncovers biblical truths that shows how well-meaning Christians unknowingly get entangled with the devil and how to break completely free from his influence. You’ll learn step-by-step how to fill your life with real and lasting peace, hope, and Joy.
Some of the areas we cover are: Forgiveness, Soul Ties, Self Pity, Shame & Condemnation, Offence. Orphan Spirit & Oppression.
You Can Have Freedom,Expect:
Expect that your life is going to change for the better, whether you “feel” it today or not.
Expect Jesus to bring you emotional healing, physical healing, hope, peace, and a sense of significance.
Expect Jesus to do some things for you today that you didn’t know you needed.
How Does This Happen?
This is not self-help, nor is it wise people giving you good advice. It’s the supernatural power of a living Christ and His desire to set you free that makes this all happen today.
Even though all this happens through the power of Jesus, you need to be in “receive” mode. So purpose in your heart and mind to engage your will today and receive all that God has for you.
Here’s the Format:
• We will give a brief teaching on a certain subject - usually one that most people struggle with.
• At the end of the teaching, our Ministry Team will come to the front and minister to you one-on-one.
• You’ll be ushered up. Please go to the ministry person you are directed to.
• When you are finished with the ministry person, return to your seat.
It will be held on O​ctober 20
Location: To be Announced.